Our Curriculum
Our curriculum is framed by the belief that play is a vehicle for learning. Play is a reaction to provocation or curiosity, “Through play, exploration manipulation and creativity are woven into thought. Play is a necessity in life…" Gwen Sommerset.
Our focus on learning through play fosters curiosity, friendship, confidence, kindness and resilience.
Te Whāriki, the New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum provides a framework of principles, strands and learning outcomes, on which we build a responsive learning environment, which is driven by the strengths and interests of the children and community.
Te Whāriki aspires for children to grow up as “Competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society” Te Whāriki 2017
We support children to figure out what it means to be a friend and keep a friendship going.
We encourage children to be scientists, mathematicians and story tellers.
We foster children to become problem solvers, imaginative and creative thinkers.
We nurture children by paying close attention to each child’s voice, affirming their identity and culture,connecting with and building on their strengths.
We provide opportunity to develop responsive and trusting relationships with consistent caregivers who know the child well.
Transition to school as an essential part of our quality education provision. We nurture successful transitions by promoting a positive approach to learning and a sense of engagement and belonging with each child’s new school community.
We venture out into our community to explore and extend our places of learning. Excursions are an important way for children to learn about the local community, environment and the wider world.